Art Biotop Nasu has closed. This website is an archive.

Glassblowing Experience
1 piece (up to 2 colors) ¥4,840 / with patterns ¥220
You will learn basic techniques of shaping hot molten glass and glassblowing process from our instructor and create your original cup and small vase.
- Timerequired : Approximately30minutes -
- Receipt of the work: After 10:30 on the next day. When the studio is closed the next day, the pick-up will be on the next business day.
* You will be able to receive your work by pickup at the site or home delivery (shipping cost will be charged). - * Overseas shipping not available.
- * Please note that the scheduled time for pickup and shipping may be changed during busy periods.
- Target age : Elementary School Students or older

Dragonfly Ball Making
1 piece ¥1,870 / 3 pieces ¥4,510 / metal fittings ¥110 ~
You will create beautiful dragonfly balls by melting assorted color glass sticks. Your original straps, necklaces and barrettes can be perfect handmade souvenirs.
- Time required: Approximately 30 minutes for 1 item, 1 hour for 3 items
- You can pick up your works 1 hour later.
- * Please note that the scheduled time for pickup and shipping may be changed during busy periods.
- Target age : Elementary School Students or older

Muddler Making
1 piece ¥2,420 / additional menu +¥550
You will process hard heat-resistant glass with special tools and make a muddler by coloring on clear glass with various patterns and shapes.
- Timerequired : Approximately30minutes -
- You can pick up your works 1 hour later.
- * Please note that the scheduled time for pickup and shipping may be changed during busy periods.
- Target age : Junior High School Students or older

Sand Casting
1 piece ¥4,510
Create a paperweight by pouring glass into a mold. The mold can be made by pressing your hand or anything moldable into the sand. This would be a memorable item for your child’s growth (or for your pet).
- Timerequired : Approximately30minutes -
- Receipt of the work: After 10:30 on the next day. When the studio is closed the next day, the pick-up will be on the next business day.
* You will be able to receive your work by pickup at the site or home delivery (shipping cost will be charged). - * Overseas shipping not available.
- * Please note that the scheduled time for pickup and shipping may be changed during busy periods.
- Target age : For all ages

Kiriko (Cut Glass) Experience
1 piece ¥3,190 (material price ¥440 ~)
Apply simple patterns of lines or flowers to a Sake cup or a glass.First, you will practice making on a plate glass using a draft drill, then choose your favorite item and try it for the real. Beginners are welcome.
- Timerequired: Approximately 1.5 hour
- You can bring your works right after the experience.
- * Please note that the scheduled time for pickup and shipping may be changed during busy periods.
- Target age : Junior High School Students or older